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people who are supporting John
Kerry H. Wahlen

I wholeheartedly endorse John Johnson as the Republican candidate for Senate District 19 who will fight tax increases and promote responsible growth. John is a proven leader who makes informed decisions based on facts, data, and conservative values. His expertise in business analytics will drive Utah forward with a sensible and sustainable approach that can stand the test of time in any economic environment. The residents of District 19, and citizens across Utah, will be well-served by John Johnson.

Kerry H. Wahlen

President/CEO Goldenwest Credit Union
Dr. Paul Mackley, DDS

Occasionally there appears a rare candidate for public office who is a true Statesman – – a shining star. John is one of them . We don’t need Politics as Usual we need principled courageous leadership. I think John carries himself well. He represents a vision for limited government, judgement, and wisdom in his dialogue. I think he would be be a great senator for northern Utah. I think he’s a shining star for the proper role of government, which is much needed these days. My wife and I fully endorse John and all that he stands for. Doctor Paul and Karen Mackley

Dr. Paul Mackley, DDS

Dentist, North Ogden
John ‘Frugal’ Dougall

As a strong fiscal conservative, John recognizes the importance of focusing on government spending and lightening the burden on taxpayers. Given his education and business experience, John brings an understanding that will help deliver good tax policy. His data analytics expertise provides valuable skills as he addresses critical issues facing Utah. We need more principled conservatives in the Utah State Senate. His entrepreneurial experience and conservative principles make him a great choice for Senate District 19.


John ‘Frugal’ Dougall

Utah State Auditor
Ryan D. Wilcox

I’ve known John now for several years. He is a brilliant economist, an insightful teacher, a savvy entrepreneur, a devoted husband and a consistent conservative. John brings a wealth of experience in both business and education that will add valuable insight and perspective to the Senate. I am grateful that he would consider service in our district, and fully support his effort in this regard.

Ryan D. Wilcox

Former Chair Weber County GOP and State House Member
David Damschen
I’m honored to endorse my friend John D. Johnson for Utah Senate District 19. His strong character as a fiscal conservative and his extraordinary background in business and economics are just what we need to help strengthen Utah’s fiscal integrity and defend its AAA bond rating. John will bring essential leadership to our Legislature on the economy, education, and free enterprise.

David Damschen

Utah State Treasurer
Justin Fawson

There’s not a better candidate in the Utah Senate races across the state – let alone District 19. John’s consistent involvement in the community and politics at all levels speaks not only to his interest in serving, but your understanding of the issues that affect his constituents and residents state-wide. During my time in office, I always appreciated John’s conservative and even keeled approach to political issues that can often be highly divisive and partisan. One of his finest traits is John’s willingness to listen and seek to understand all sides before taking action. Unlike his opponent, John is unencumbered from lobbying influences and he has been involved in positive political action for years. For what it’s worth, John has my strong endorsement in his pursuit to serve Utah and the residents of Senate District 19!


Justin Fawson

Former Utah House of Representatives and North Ogden City Council
Neal Berube

Having spent nearly 40 years in the private sector and recently being elected to public office I have learned the importance of having balance. That is why I am supporting John Johnson to represent me in the State Senate. John is not only knowledgeable about the workings of government, but he is an educator and a businessman. Because of his experience in these areas he has gained wisdom and developed a high degree of common sense. He has the tools necessary to make wise and balanced decisions on our behalf. Additionally, John is a man of integrity and has the courage to make tough decisions. I’d encourage you to vote for John in his campaign to serve our community.

Neal Berube

North Ogden City Mayor
Phillip Swanson

John is a man true to his word. Over the years I have found John to be open-minded, eager to listen with the intent to understand, and willing to take the necessary time to explain his thinking on a level easily understood. More than ever, Utah and its economy is in need of leaders who have a strong understanding of the complexity of economic principles and the ability to guide us towards prosperity. With a Ph. D. in Economics, a successful history as an Entrepreneur and businessman, and as a respected college educator, John is the individual Utah needs at this time. Please join me in supporting John for Utah Senate District 19.

Phillip Swanson

North Ogden City Council
Blake D. Cevering

I have known John Johnson for many years. I know that he is a man of integrity, loyalty and financial expertise. His people skills, business skills, and brilliant intellect will make him a valuable ally for the citizens at the state level of government. I invite you to join me in electing John Johnson to the Utah State Legislature as our District 19 Senator.

Blake D. Cevering

North Ogden City Council

John on the Issues

Join the fight to make Utah conservative again
““You can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.” - Ronald Reagan
Defend Life and Individual Liberty

John understands the proper role of government and will defend religious liberty, the right to life, parental rights, free speech, our Second Amendment, and our property rights. These are essential things to keep government limited and Utah free.

Local Education Results 

Each parent has the right to provide their child with the best education available. As a parent, a conservative, and a Professor at USU, John understands that parents, teachers, and local school boards should be the primary drivers on education results, not big government. His focus will be on classroom results and preparing our students for the jobs of tomorrow.

Reduce Taxes and Government Spending

We shouldn’t need a referendum to stop tax increases on our groceries and gas, especially when we have a budget surplus. John helped to fund and lead the fight to defeat the recent tax increase, and as your senator he will look for innovative ways to reduce spending and bloated government. John’s experience as a creative problem solver and job creator will enable him to work with others to eliminate unnecessary government spending while streamlining and improving essential services to lower costs for our taxpayers.

Refueling the Economy After COVID-19

Our legislature should clear the path for economic recovery after this pandemic. We can start by cutting taxes, unneeded regulations, and rolling back unnecessary government spending and programs. We can also work to make it much easier to work from home, start new businesses, and support creative technologies to help jump-start our state economy again. John’s experience in data, economics, and creating job growth in the mortgage industry following the housing bubble in 2008, will be invaluable as we navigate obstacles to find solutions.

Responsible Growth

We must continue our economic development responsibly while protecting our family neighborhoods. We need to plan our infrastructure, so we have less time spent in traffic and more time spent with our families. John’s experience in data analytics and economics uniquely prepares him to analyze growth and plan responsibly for our growth while ensuring Utah remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

Right to Bear Arms

I support the individual constitutionally-protected right of the people to keep and bear arms for security and defense of self, family,others, property, or the state, as well as for other lawful purposes. I encourage personal responsibility for the care and use of these firearms.~ Utah Republican Platform

The Proper Role of Government

My views on the proper role of government are summarized well by the Utah State Republican Party Platform I believe government properly exists by the consent of the governed and must be restrained from intruding into the freedoms of its citizens. I believe that the function of government is not to grant rights, but to protect the unalienable, God-given rights…

Why I Believe in Republican Values

Republican Ideals are my Ideals “We the People” tell the Government what to do, it doesn’t tell us. “We the people” are the driver – the Government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world’s constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges…

let’s get to work

How can we get our state back on track? How can we preserve our Constitution and get people to value and honor it? How can we focus on the proper role of government? All these core questions have been evolving in our minds for years. Join me and improve our future.


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Address: North Ogden, UT 84414